Sunday, 14 July 2013

The invisible bench

It's Sunday (or it will be when this appears on the blog) so I thought it was time for something different. Sundays will be sketches rather than songs.

This works well if your group has a gang show, but cubs or younger scouts can do this with you as the 'straight man', older scouts and explorers can do it all for themselves.

You have just finished a song, and are starting to introduce the next one when there is a voice from the side.

Cub 1: Sorry I'm late, Akela,, where can I sit?

                                   Straight man: Oh, just sit on the invisible bench. 

[Cub goes and perches as though sat on a bench]

                                   Straight man: Where was I? Oh yes,...

Cub 2: Sorry I'm late, Akela,, where can I sit?

                                   Straight man: Sit with her on the invisible bench.

[Cub goes and perches alongside]

                                   Straight man: As I was saying...

Cub 3: Sorry I'm late, Akela,, where can I sit?

                                   Straight man: You can sit there on the invisible bench.

[Cub goes and perches alongside]

                                   Straight man: Now if we can just get on...

Cub 4: Sorry I'm late, Akela,, where can I sit?

                                   Straight man: On the invisible bench.

[Cub goes and perches alongside]

                                   Straight man: And finally...

Cub 5: Sorry I'm late, Akela,, where can I sit?

                                   Straight man: On the invisible bench. (looking cross now)

[Cub looks at the four who are perched on the invisible bench]

Cub 5: But I moved the invisible bench to the other side of the campfire...

[Cubs 1-4 look at him, look at each other, and fall backwards in a pile]

Of course, they will need to practice it with you to get the timing right, and you need to make sure they fall safely AWAY from the campfire, but this is easy for younger kids to learn and nobody has to remember great wadges of lines.

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